BPS Level 2 Personality Test User Course Online
Our BPS Level 2 Personality Test User Course from our Psychometric Assessment at Work Course covers subjects important in the competent understanding and practical use of personality assessments at work. Successful students will be able to apply to the British Psychological Society for the Level 2 Personality Test User Qualification. Now, being in possession of the Level 1, Level 2 Ability and Level 2 Personality Test User Qualifications, you will also become eligible for the Euro Test User Certificate of the European Federation of Psychologists’ Associations (EFPA). Our expertise and experience in online psychometric training for BPS Certification dates back to 2008.
Online Psychometric Assessment at Work Course
BPS Level 2 Personality Test User Course Online
With more than 20 years of experience in teaching this course face-to-face in many different parts of the world from the UK to the UAE, Australia, Singapore, Hong Kong, China, Malaysia and more, our award-winning Chartered Psychologist Facilitator is pleased to be able to offer the same course online since 2008. Over the years of offering this course, we have been motivated by the kind feedback received from our students and firmly believe we have a great option for quality training that highlights our passion for the competent use of psychometric assessments as well as effective online learning techniques and tools.
This course is for those who have already completed both the BPS Level 1 Assistant Test User training and the BPS Level 2 Ability Test User training and who wish to be able to interpret and provide useful feedback about personality assessment results to respondents and decision-makers. Upon successful completion of the course, students become eligible for the BPS Level 2 Personality Test User Qualification as well as the EFPA Euro Test User Certification.
Topics covered in our BPS Level 2 Personality Test User Course
- Validity Issues for Personality Questionnaires
- Statistical Analysis versus Pragmatic Value
- Chance Relationships and ‘Going Fishing’
- Multiple Regression for Personality Questionnaires
- Correction for Shrinkage
- Developing Questionnaires: Rational, Empirical and Theoretical Approaches
- Methods of Personality and Performance Assessment
- Response Style and Distortion in Personality Questionnaires
- Forms of distortion
- Minimising and Controlling Distortion
- Transparent versus Opaque Instruments
- Ipsative versus Normative Scaling
- Spurious Validity
- Pseudo-Scientific Measures of Personality
- Learning appropriate to the vast majority of personality assessments
- Specific focus on the Identity Self-Perception Questionnaire
- Consideration of multiple other personality assessments
- Introduction to Feedback
- Purposes of Feedback
- Preparation for Feedback
- Feedback Skills
- The Feedback Interview Structure
- Discussing Results – Personality Assessments
- The Interim Report
- The Integrated Report
Why the need for the BPS Level 2 Personality Test User Course?
There are a number of test publishers who are mainly concerned with getting paid and less concerned about their clients being appropriately trained. Likewise, a large number of test users either see training as a troublesome obstacle to test access or simply don’t understand the need to undergo training.
Psychometric tests are useful tools – they provide a lot of information about an individual in a short period of time and present the information in a structured manner. This makes the entire process more scientific. However, if the people using tests and making decisions on the basis of test results do not fully understand the theory behind testing, how different scoring systems work, how much confidence they can have in test scores, how to choose the best psychometric tests, how to ensure decision-makers are aware of the pros and cons of testing and so on, the benefits of using psychometric tests can be totally negated.
This course therefore ensures that those using psychometric personality assessments can choose the best tools for their purpose in the first place, can fully understand issues of test reliability, validity and test score confidence, know what is and what is not assessed and predicted by these tests and know how to professionally and competently feedback and use the information contained in personality assessment reports.
Don’t be like your competitors or colleagues who are using personality assessments without training. They may be making incorrect decisions about people and not even realise it. This will create problems for the organisation and even legally. Use personality assessments confidently and competently and prove your competence with this internationally recognised qualification.
What about the time commitment?
The course is divided into 5 Modules and the video play times are listed below, along with estimated time to complete assessments. Keep in mind that everybody is different and some will pause the video and take notes, whilst others will watch a video outright. You may need substantially more time than noted below if you prefer to take your time learning. Those on our Independent Mode of Learning will have 90-days to complete this Level of the course. For those interested in our Supported Modes of Learning, please see below for links to the relevant course structure/timetables.
-Module 1: 180 mins.
-Module 2: 85 mins.
-Module 3: 150 mins.
-Module 4: 120 mins.
-Module 5: 30 mins.
Total = Approximately 9.5 hours of video
Plus assessments (workbook and practicals): 20 hours

Forums or Event App
For those on our Supported Mode of Learning, we offer student forums (Extended Mode) or an event app (Express Mode) where students can discuss and ask questions about course topics. Our psychologist-facilitator will ensure questions are answered either in the forum/app or at the Q&A webinars.

PsyGOLD Membership
Students get membership to our PsyGOLD program not only during their course, but for the life of the PsyGOLD program! PsyGOLD is our community of current and past students. We meet on a regular basis to present case studies of real psychometric testing experiences and receive professional development via peer feedback and expert advice from Dr Tyler. This is invaluable in continuing to develop competence in psychometrics under the support and guidance of a student- and competency-centred psychologist and helps graduates fulfil the BPS requirement of continuous professional development in psychometrics.
Beautiful Presentations
Quality, HD course slides fully narrated by our award-winning Chartered Psychologist using professional recording equipment. Quizzes at the end of each Module assess your learning. Note: Slides are used as a learning aid to cement points being made by an experienced facilitator. We do not read copious amounts of text from slides!
Virtual Whiteboard
Our virtual whiteboard feature introduced in Level 2 ensures students grasp topics at the same level as those in the traditional classroom. Our facilitator is also in the process of adding more of these whiteboard videos to enhance understanding. Watch the videos over and over until you are happy!
Online Psychometric Training: Modes - Fees - Registration
Our Independent Mode is a discounted option for those who prefer to learn principally at their own pace. Independent Mode offers 90 days to complete EACH Level of the Psychometric Assessment at Work Course that you have signed up for. A generous additional discount is available for registering for all 3 Levels up-front. In this case, you will receive a 90-day enrollment in Level 1 initially. Once you have completed that, we will add a 90-day enrollment in Level 2 Ability, and once that is complete, we will add your 90-day enrollment in Level 2 Personality. Before your enrollment expires for a particular Level, you need to upload your portfolio of work to our secure server for assessment.
Those who register for our Independent Mode will still get access to our PsyGOLD membership where they are free to attend our case study presentations, interact with other students/graduates and receive advice from Dr Tyler even after graduation. Outside of this, however, they will need to book a one-on-one meeting with the facilitator for any additional support (at a reduced fee).
Enrollment includes one-time assessment of your portfolio of work for the BPS certification. Additional but very reasonable fees will apply for one-on-one online sessions with our psychologist for additional coaching and, fees may also apply for remarking work that does not meet the required standards and for work submitted outside of deadlines. You will need to pay the BPS separately for your registration/certification on the RQTU.
Students who prefer to receive more structured support from our Psychologist-facilitator and spend more time working with other students during the course may opt for one of our Supported Mode courses. We offer 2 versions:
Express Supported
6-days of online psychometric training supported by an event app to keep students on track, professionally recorded videos, quizzes, multiple daily webinars for questions, skill practice/feedback via virtual breakout rooms, psychologist logged-in for entire teaching day every day of the course, as well as PsyGOLD membership both as a student and as a graduate.
- Full details for our Express Supported Psychometric Assessment Course.
Extended Supported
The course proceeds over approximately 5 months with short breaks between each Level. Students learn from professionally recorded videos, quizzes and forum interaction with co-students, then meet each week for a 2-3 hour webinar with the psychologist-facilitator where questions will be answered and new skills practised in virtual break-out rooms with feedback. PsyGOLD membership is also included, both as a student and as a graduate.
- Full details for our Extended Supported Psychometric Assessment Course
Enrollment includes one-time assessment of your portfolio of work for the BPS certification. Additional but very reasonable fees will apply for one-on-one online sessions with our psychologist for additional coaching and, fees may also apply for remarking work that does not meet the required standards and for work submitted outside of deadlines. You will need to pay the BPS separately for your registration/certification on the RQTU.
Independent Mode Pay Once - start anytime
Independent Mode Subscription/Installment Model - start anytime
Supported Mode Courses
- Dates, fees & registration links for upcoming courses at our Events page
Kindly note that following successful completion of the course(s), we will, with your permission, submit your details to the British Psychological Society for Registration on their Register of Qualifications in Test Use. The BPS will then invoice you directly for the certification and registration fee. As with all BPS Level 1 & 2 Certification Courses, you will need to ensure that once you have your certificate, you fulfil the re-validation requirements every 6 years in order to continue to be certified.
What Our Students Say About Our BPS Level 2 Personality Test User Course
Don’t just take it from us, let our valued students do the talking!
The course was indeed an eye opener for me. There’s so much to learn and I must add that Dr. Graham is indeed excellent. He is very concerned and helpful, ensuring high standards of understanding, even if he has to spend extra time and effort. Indeed, fortunate to have attended.
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