An Explanation of Personality Change in Organizational Science: Personality as an Outcome of Workplace Stress

March 19, 2021 Journal of Management, Ahead of Print. Organizational scholarship has recently begun to treat personality as malleable in workplace settings and has called for personality change to be incorporated into current research. The lack of a comprehensive,...

The testing environment as an explanation for unproctored internet‐based testing device‐type effects

February 25, 2021 Device‐type effects on cognitive tests appear to covary with whether unproctored internet‐based test (UIT) scores were obtained operationally or nonoperationally. The present study examined whether the testing environment and distractions therein—one...

The relationship between cognitive ability and personality scores in selection situations: A meta‐analysis

February 25, 2021 Abstract Several faking theories have identified applicants’ cognitive ability (CA) as a determinant of faking—the intentional distortion of answers by candidates—but the corresponding empirical findings in the area of personality tests are often...