Predictors of faking behavior on personality inventories in selection: Do indicators of the ability and motivation to fake predict faking?

May 28, 2021 Abstract This study investigated whether faking behavior on a personality inventory can be predicted by two indicators of the ability to fake (cognitive ability and the ability to identify criteria; ATIC) and two indicators of the motivation to fake...

Psychometric Evaluation of a Big Five Personality State Scale for Intensive Longitudinal Studies

May 6, 2021 Assessment, Ahead of Print. Despite enthusiasm for using intensive longitudinal designs to measure day-to-day manifestations of personality underlying differences between people, the validity of personality state scales has yet to be established. In this...

The Big Five Inventory–2 in China: A Comprehensive Psychometric Evaluation in Four Diverse Samples

April 23, 2021 Assessment, Ahead of Print. The Big Five Inventory-2 (BFI-2) has received wide recognition since its publication because it strikes a good balance between content coverage and brevity. The current study translated the BFI-2 into Chinese, evaluated its...