Illustrating a narrative: A test of game elements in game‐like personality assessment
February 1, 2022 Abstract Incorporating game elements into personality assessment has the potential to address several common criticisms of...
Apples, oranges, and ironing boards: Comparative effect sizes influence lay impressions of test validity
January 14, 2022 Abstract Validity information (effect sizes) for selection tests can be difficult for people to understand without some additional...
Assessment of cognitive flexibility in personnel selection: Validity and acceptance of a gamified version of the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test
December 1, 2021 Abstract The present study contributes to the emerging field of gamification in personnel selection by examining validity and...
Occupational characteristics moderate personality–performance relations in major occupational groups
November 5, 2021 Publication date: Available online 29 October 2021Source: Journal of Vocational BehaviorAuthor(s): Michael P. Wilmot, Deniz S. Ones...
Where I am and who I am with: Contextual dynamics of personality in the prediction of work performance
November 5, 2021 Abstract Contextually dynamic expressions of personality traits were examined in this study to understand their effects on work...
Introducing a supervised alternative to forced‐choice personality scoring: A test of validity and resistance to faking
September 20, 2021 Abstract This paper examines a new personality assessment scoring approach labeled supervised forced choice scoring (SFCS), which...
The Cognitive Function at Work Questionnaire (CFWQ): A new scale for measuring cognitive complaints in occupational population
September 9, 2021 . Go to Source Author: Anna-Leena Heikkinen
Upgrades to our Online Psychometric Courses
As the global leader in online psychometric assessment, with courses since 2008, we continue to innovate our Psychometric Courses and student...
Association between personality and cognitive performance in middle-aged and older adults with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)
July 1, 2021 . Go to Source Author: Pariya L. Fazeli
An updated survey of beliefs and practices related to faking in individual assessments
June 11, 2021 Abstract The present study is an updated survey examining individual assessor beliefs and practices related to faking in the...